Equipment Classes

Comm Class

The comm class will obtain the protocol to communicate with the instruments (GPIB, IP, serial) and will also pass the resource manager which will be common to all instruments.

Additional methods will be needed to write and read using this class.

class Comm(object)

        def __init__(self, protocol, port, config={}, rm)

                ~~~ Valid ranges ~~~
                protocol: GPIB, serial, IP
                port: String of port of IP address


                if protocol=GPIB then
                if protocol = IP then

                self.instrument=rm.open_resource(port, kwargs=config)


comm = Comm_Class("IP","")
mod1 = Modulator(comm)
mod2 = Modulator(comm)
mod_list = [mod1, mod2]
btc = BTC(mod_list)

Modulator Class

class Modulator(Transponder):

    def __init__(self, id="mod"):

        ~~~ Valid ranges ~~~
        ip:          IP address
        power:       [-80, -10] dBm
        freq:        [250, 2150] MHz
        symrate:     [20, 45] MBaud
        pilots:      True, False

        super(Modulator, self).__init__( id=id)
        self.power = -30

SFU Class


We have found that different SFUs use different commands for Broadcast Standard and Code Rate related functions. We have determined this to be caused by two different firmware versions: fill in here and have implemented a solution that works for both. We try our best to fix the bugs we find, but there may be more. If an SFU script is buggy, please contact us. If you are a developer, use the VISA Interactive Control to verify that the commands the script sends actually changes the settings correctly.

class SFU(Modulator):

    def __init__(self, id="SFU", type="GPIB", port="28", config={}):

        ~~~ Valid ranges ~~~
        type:        [GPIB, IP]
        port:        [28 or]
        cnr:         [0, 20] dB

        super (SFU, self).__init__(id=id)
        self.comm = Comm(protocol=type, port=port, config=config)
setTransponder(self, transponder)

Description: This will set all the parameters of the transponder to the SFU.

inputs: Transponder attributes

outputs: none

setBroadcastStandard(self, bcstd)

Description: Sets the desired broadcast standard

Inputs: (bcstd): DVB-S2, DVBS

Outupts: None


Description: Queries the current broacast standard set on the SFU.

Inputs: none

ouputs: Returns the broadcast standard as: DVB-S2, DVBS

setPower(self, double)

Description: This function will set the SFU power level or it can also be set to the power level inherited.

inputs: power[double]: power level value in dB.

outputs: (none)


Description: This function will obtain the current power levelon the SFU.

inputs: (none)

outputs: SFU power

setFrequency(self, double)

Description: This functions will set the SFU frequency in Hz.

inputs: freq(double): Frequency in Hz.

outputs: (none)


Description: This function will obtain the current frequency from the SFU.

inputs: (none)

outputs: (freq in Hz)

setAlpha(self, double)

Description: This function will set the SFU symbol rate in S/s.

inputs: symrate(double): Symbol Rate in kS/s.

outputs: (none)


Description: This function will obtain the current symbol rate from the SFU.

inputs: (none) outputs: (symbol Rate in S/s)

setNoiseLevel(self, double)

Description: This function will set the CNR level on the SFU, once set, the SFU automatically adjusts its noise level to obtained the input CNR desired.

Inputs: noiseLeveldB[double]: value of CNR level in dB. Range 0 - 20 dB.

Ouput: (none)


Description: Queries the current noise level set on the SFU.

Inputs: none

outputs: returns the noise level in dB.

enableNoise(self, boolean)

Description: This function will enable or disable noise output.

Inputs: Boolean

Outputs: none

Test code:

>>> import SFU from Equipment_Lib
>>> sfu = SFU(ip=
>>> sfu.setNoise(20)
(0/2) setNoise: method called
(1/2) setNoise: turned on bandwidth coupling
(2/2) setNoise: set CNR level

Description: This function will get the current CNR level on the SFU

Inputs: (none)

Ouput: returns SFU SNR level (double)

setPilots(self, boolean)

Description: Sets the Pilots on when True, pilots off when false. inputs: (boolean)

outputs: (none)


Description: Queries the pilots status

inputs: none

outputs: (boolean) ON:true; OFF;false

setCW(self, boolean)

Description: Enables, disables CW, based on boolean:

inputs: (boolean) True: Modulation off, False, Modulation ON

outputs: None


Description: Queries instrument whether CW is enabled or disabled

inputs none

outputs: True; CW enabled, False; CW disabled

setAlpha(self, alpha)

Description: Sets roll off for the modulated signal.

inputs: (int) roll off 20, 30, 35

outputs: none

setPhaseNoise(self, boolean)

Description: Sets Phase noise for Phase Noise Shape 1, magnitude 13

inputs (boolean): Enables or disables phase noise

outputs: none


Description: Determines if Phase Noise is enabled or disabled:

inputs None


setModulation(self, modulation)

Description: Sets the Modulation type on the SFU for the desired tranponder

inputs DVB-S2, DVBS

outputs: none


Description: Obtains the current modulation set on the SFU.

inputs: none

outputs: current modulation set on SFU.

setCodeRate(self, coderate)

Description: Sets the desired code rate on the SFU

inputs: code rate, 2/3, 3/5, 6/7, 1/2, etc..

outputs: none

setScramblingCode(self, scramb)

Description: Sets the scrambling code on the SFU.

input: (int): scrambling code ID

output: none


Description: Gets the scrambling code ID from the SFU.

inputs none

outputs: Scrambling code ID

BTC Class

class BTC(object):

    def __init__(self, id="BTC", type=GPIB, port=port, numMods=2):

        ~~~ Valid ranges ~~~
        cnr:         [0, 20] dB
        pilots:      True, False

        self.modulator_list = []
        self.cnr = 20
        for i in range(numMods):

Description: Sets the FEC code rate on the SFU.

Inputs: code rate 1/2, 2/3, 6/7, etc…

outputs: none

setPower(self, pwr, modNumber)
Description: This function will set the BTC power level on the corresponding output. inputs: pwr (double): power level value in dB. modNumber (int): corresponding output port outputs: (none)
getPower(self, modNumber)

Description: This function will obtain the current power level on the BTC from the output indicated.

inputs: modNumber (int)- corresponding output port

outputs: BTC power from specified port

setFrequency(self, freq, modNumber)

Description: This functions will set the BTC frequency in Hz in the appropriate output port.

inputs: freq (double): Frequency in Hz. modNumber (int): specified output port

outputs: (none)

getFrequency(self, modNumber)

Description: This function will obtain the current frequency from the BTC.

inputs: modNumber (int): specified output port

outputs: frequency in Hz

setAlpha(self, symb, modNumber)

Description: This function will set the BTC symbol rate in MS/s.

inputs: symb(double): Symbol Rate in MS/s. modNumber (int): specified output port

outputs: (none)

getAlpha(self, modNumber)

Description: This function will obtain the current symbol rate from the BTC on the specified port.

inputs: modNumber (int): specified output port

outputs: symbol Rate in MS/s from the specified port

setNoise(self, cnr, modNumber)

Description: This function will set the CNR level on the BTC, once set, the BTC automatically adjusts its noise level to obtained the input CNR desired. Note: this need to set the bandwidth coupling ON to obtain an accurate measurement.

Inputs: cnr (double): value of CNR level in dB. Range 0 - 25 dB. modNumber (int): specified output port

Ouput: (none)

Test code:

>>> import BTC from Equipment_Lib
>>> btc = BTC(ip=
>>> btc.setNoise(20)
(0/2) setNoise: method called
(1/2) setNoise: turned on bandwidth coupling
(2/2) setNoise: set CNR level
getNoise(self, modNumber)

Description: This function will get the current CNR level on the BTC

Inputs: modNumber (int): specifies output port to get noise from.

Ouput: returns BTC SNR level (double)

setPilots(self, boolean, modNumber)

Description: Sets the Pilots on when True, pilots off when false.

inputs: (boolean): True; pilots ON, False; Pilots OFF modNumber (int):specifies output port to set pilots status.

outputs: (none)

getPilots(self, modNumber)

Description: Queries the pilots status from the specified port.

inputs: modNumber (int): specifies output port to get pilots status.

outputs: (boolean) ON:true; OFF;false

SLG Class

class SLG(object):
        def __init__(self, id="SLG", type="IP", port=port, numMods=32)

                ~~~ Valid ranges ~~~

                self.modulator_list = []
                for i in range(numMods):
loadScenario(self, Scen)

Description: Loads the scenario specified

inputs: Scen[string]: Scenario name which needs to be available in the SLG

outputs: (none)

setPower(self, power, modNumber)

Description: Description: This function will set the SFU power level. inputs: power[double]: power level value in dB.

outputs: (none)

getPower(self, modNumber)

Description: This function will obtain the current power levelon the SFU.

inputs: (none)

outputs: SFU power

setFrequency(self, freq, modNumber)

Description: This functions will set the SFU frequency in Hz.

inputs: freq(double): Frequency in Hz modNumber (int): specific output port

outputs: (none)

getFrequency(self, modNumber)

Description: This function will obtain the current frequency from the SFU.

inputs: modNumber (int): specific output port

outputs: (freq in Hz)

setAlpha(self, symb, modNumber)

Description: This function will set the SFU symbol rate in MS/s.

inputs: symb (double): Symbol Rate in MS/s. modNumber (int): specific output port

outputs: (none)

getAlpha(self, modNumber)

Description: This function will obtain the current symbol rate from the SFU.

inputs: modNumber(int): specific output port

outputs: (symbol Rate in S/s)

setPilots(self, boolean, modNumber)

Description: Sets the Pilots on when True, pilots off when false. inputs: (boolean) modNumber (int): specific output port

outputs: (none)

getPilots(self, modNumber)

Description: Queries the pilots status

inputs: modNumber (int): specific output port

outputs: (boolean) ON:true; OFF;false

setAlpha(self, roll, modNumber):

Description: Sets the roll-off value on the specified SLG modulator

inputs: roll: roll-off value as integer modNumber: SLG modulator number to set

outputs: none

getAlpha(self, modNumber):

Description: Obtains thed current modulator roll-off/Alpha value:

Inputs: modNumber: SLG modulator number to query roll-off value set

outputs: returns roll off value on specified modulator output

setScramblingCode(self, scramb, modNumber)

Description: Sets the scrambling code on the device.

inputs: scramb (int): Scrambing code number to set modNumber (int): specific output port

outputs: (none)

getScramblingCode(self, modNumber)

Description: Queries the current scrambling code set on device on the indicated output modulator

inputs: modNumber (int): specific output port

outputs (int) returns the current scrambling code

setModulatorState(self, boolean, modNumber)

Description: Enables or disables the desired modulator output

inputs: (boolean): True; enable output. False; disable output (modNumber): which modulator to turn on/off on the current SLG.

outputs: none

getModulatorState(self, modNumber)

Description: Queries modulator status on SLG.

inputs: (modNumber) Modulator output to check

outputs: (boolean): True; modulator is on. False; modulator is off.

selectBand(self, band):
Description: Selects band range based on the following

Demodulator Class

class Demodulator(Transponder):

    def __init__(self, id):

        ~~~ Valid ranges ~~~
        id: string

        super(Demodulator, self).__init__(id=id)

FSW Class

class FSW(Demodulator)

        def __init__(self, id, protocol, port, config)

                ~~~ Valid Ranges ~~~
                protocol: GPIB, ethernet, serial
                freq: [20, 26.5] GHz

                super (FSW, self).__init__(id=id)
                self.comm = Comm(protocol=type, port=port, config=config)
config(self, Transponder)

Description: Configures the FSW to measure either Channel Power or MER and power using the Transponder objects.

Inputs: (Transponder): Uses the tranponder objects to configure the FSW

Outputs: none


Description: Obtains all measurements from the VSA window.

inputs: (none)

outputs Returns MER, power, phase error, carrier frequency error from VSA.

getSpectrumChannelPower(self, freq, symrate)

Description: Measures channel power and returns measurement

inputs: (double) frequency (double) symrate

outputs: (double) channel power measurement



        #set RBW and VBW
        #set sweep time

        return chpwr
setFrequency(self, freq)

Description: Sets the input frequency in Hz

inputs: (double) frequency

outputs: (none)

getFrequency(self, freq)

Description: obtains the frequency setting for the specified tuner.

inputs: (int): Tuner index

outputs: (double): frequency setting on current tuner


Description: Obtains the modulation and code rate for the tuner indicated.

inputs: (int): TunerIndex

outputs: (string): tuner modulcation and code rate

setAlpha(self, double)

Description: This function will set the VTR symbol rate in MS/s.

inputs: (double): Symbol Rate in MS/s.

outputs: (none)


Description: This function will obtain the current symbol rate from the VTR.

inputs: (none) outputs: (symbol Rate in MS/s)

VTR Class

class VTR(Demodulator):

    def __init__(self, comm, power, freq, symrate, pilots):

        ~~~ Valid ranges ~~~
        comm:        GPIB, ethernet, serial...
        numTuners: number of tuners available
        power:       [-80, -10] dBm
        freq:        [250, 2150] MHz
        symrate:     [20, 45] MBaud
        pilots:      True, False


        super (VTR, self).__init__(id=id)
        self.comm = Comm(protocol=type, port=port, config=config)
setFrequency(freq, TunerIndex)

Description: Sets the input frequency

inputs: (double) frequency (int): Tuner index

outputs: (none)


Description: obtains the frequency setting for the specified tuner.

inputs: (int): Tuner index

outputs: (double): frequency setting on current tuner

setPower(pwr, TunerIndex)

Description: Sets the power level on the appropriate tuner.

inputs: (double): frequency (int): tuner


Description: Obtains the power level for the appropriate tuner.

inputs: (int): tuner number


Description: Obtains the modulation and code rate for the tuner indicated.

inputs: (int): TunerIndex

outputs: (string): tuner modulcation and code rate


Description: This function will set the VTR symbol rate in MS/s.

inputs: (double): Symbol Rate in MS/s.

outputs: (none)


Description: This function will obtain the current symbol rate from the VTR.

inputs: (none) outputs: (symbol Rate in MS/s)


Description: Sets the Pilots on when True, pilots off when false. inputs: (boolean)

outputs: (none)


Description: Queries the pilots status

inputs: none

outputs: (boolean) ON:true; OFF;false

setScramblingCode(int, TunerIndex)

Description: Sets the scrambling code on the device on the desired tuner.

inputs: (int): Scrambing code number to set

outputs: (none)


Description: Queries the current scrambling code set on device.

inputs: (none)

outputs (int) returns the current scrambling code

DM240XR Class


This class is not being updated right now!!!

class DM240(Modulator):

    def __init__(self, ip, power):

        ~~~ Valid ranges ~~~
        ip:          IP address
        power:       [-80, -10] dBm
        freq:        [250, 2150] MHz
        symrate:     [20, 45] MBaud
        pilots:      True, False

        Modulator.__init__(self, ip, power, freq, symb, pilots)

Description: This function will set the DM240 power level. inputs: power[double]: power level value in dB. [0dBm to -20 dBm]

outputs: (none)


Description: This function will obtain the current power level on the DM240.

inputs: (none)

outputs: DM240 power


Description: This functions will set the DM240 frequency in Hz.

inputs: freq(double): Frequency in Hz. [950e6 Hz to 2050e6 Hz]

outputs: (none)


Description: This function will obtain the current frequency from the DM240.

inputs: (none)

outputs: (freq in Hz)


Description: This function will set the DM240 symbol rate in S/s.

inputs: symrate(double): Symbol Rate in S/s.

outputs: (none)


Description: This function will obtain the current symbol rate from the DM240.

inputs: (none) outputs: (symbol Rate in MS/s)


Description: Sets the Pilots on when True, pilots off when false. inputs: (boolean)

outputs: (none)


Description: Queries the pilots status

inputs: none

outputs: (boolean) ON:true; OFF;false


Description: Sets the scrambling code on the device.

inputs: (int): Scrambing code number to set

outputs: (none)


Description: Queries the current scrambling code set on device.

inputs: (none)

outputs (int) returns the current scrambling code