Getting Started

Basic knowledge of how to run python scripts through commandline

I recommend running the interactive Jupyter Notebook tutorials:

cd SCTA_repo\src\tutorials
jupyter notebook


You need to install jupyter in your SCTA environment to run the interactive tutorials.

If you are new to scripting in Python, walk through the Python-Basics.ipynb to get a quick intro to concepts important for using the SCTA libraries.

Walk through the SCTA-Basics.ipynb to help you start writing a simple automation script.

If you do not have jupyter installed or do not want an interactive tutorial, there are equivalent tutorials as python scripts in SCTA_repo\src\tutorials\. The script introduces Python programming and script introduces the SCTA libraries. You can run the scripts to see the output:

cd SCTA_repo\src\tutorials

After walking through the tutorials, browse SCTA_repo\src\examples\ for real examples of automation scripts. You can use these as templates for your own scripts. For example, check out for a common frequency sweep test.